Michael P Donnelly
5 min readNov 28, 2020

What do I think about “THE KRAKEN”?

I’m a believer in federalism and super critical of the Supreme Court overriding states and I don’t want the Supreme Court to decide this election. BUT IT MAY COME TO THAT.

Right now the “certified” difference between Biden and trump in Georgia is about “12,000”. Now, after reading “the Kraken” lawsuit — it appears obvious that the threshold for fraud and irregularity is clearly met in accordance with Georgia law. (OCGA 21–5–552) and the state should be given to Trump. The lawsuit identifies over 150,000+ questionable/illegal/should not be counted “votes”.

But even if you don’t want Trump to win (as I do), this should still BE IMPORTANT because America is based on the fundamental premise of consent of the governed — that is THE VOTE. Ballot stuffing, whether electronic or just the “good old fashioned way” is wrong always. We have a right to have our votes fairly counted — f we lose that, what do we have left?

The 104-page 200+ paragraph lawsuit is eye opening. It spans smallish issues to huge fraud and the Dominion/Smartmatic machines that Georgia rushed to buy last year AFTER Texas rejected them due to security concerns. These issues include eyewitness and fact testimony of witness who have averred that Dominion/Smartmatic was foreign owned, open to easy hacking and is not audit-able, that it was connected to the internet DURING THE VOTING and it’s indisputable that Smartmatic machines were used in Venezuela.

We want to use voting machines made for use in Venezuela owned by foreign companies? No thanks.

There is just NO precedent for the amount of eyewitness testimony of voting irregularities and sheer defiance of lawful voting procedures which includes as a major issue the promulgation of rules by the Secretary of State of Georgia that are diametrically opposed to the LAW. Voting in a presidential election IS a federal issue as numerous Supreme Court cases have held, including (but not only) Bush v. Gore — and that was just ONE state in ONE county. How do you explain the Tsunami of suits, eyewitness testimony an apparent pattern of events in Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, to name ONLY A FEW places?

As Joe Biden himself said: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Yes indeed. The results speak for themselves.

Every American should read the “Kraken” lawsuit. I know most won’t. 104 pages, legalese — but it is riveting. Some of it is so frightening you just won’t WANT to believe. I think the whole country is in a state of shock and the reaction to shock is often denial. Who WANTS to believe that there are people who are American citizens who would be willing to do criminal things in politics, wait — what did I just say?

Apparently, some people HATE Donald Trump, and maybe even the people he represents , so much, that they are willing to overlook illegal, unethical, even fraudulent, acts. What does it say about a person if they HATE Trump so much, they are willing to overlook/justify the earthquake of unparalleled issues presented in this lawsuit, let alone the scores of others in at least 6 states?

The uniform drumbeat by the MSM (main stream media aka CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS oh, yeah, and FOX) as well as Big Tech et. al. that want to coronate Biden only lends support to the feeling that something is horribly wrong.

In brief, in Georgia, election officials did not conduct basic security on absentee ballots — e.g signature checks or check security envelopes — this is particularly an issue in Georgia where the signature rejection rate was impossibly small — .15% vs historically and comparatively much higher in other states. This appears to be the case because signatures were ignored pursuant to a “settlement” between the GA secretary of state and the democrat party pursuant to a lawsuit — THE PROBLEM IS that the Secretary of State of Georgia has NO AUTHORITY to change the law. Georgia law requires these, and other measures be followed, to not follow these requirements is to violate GA election law.

The US Constitution REQUIRES that voting in federal elections be done as the state legislature (not executive branch people, like the secretary of state) directs.

The State Election Board also apparently changed its policy for processing ballots before election day in violation of the law. Recount monitors not given meaningful access and some observed trump votes being put in Biden Pile in democratic controlled areas. These are federal crimes (p68). On Recount there was no hand recount of actual ballots in many places -merely a re-running of the memory sticks. (p73). There were breaches of chain of custody of voting machines (p75) which in some cases were not sealed and did not match documentation. (P77). There are others.

It appears that 96,600 absentee Ballots were requested and counted but not recorded as having been returned to county election boards. As many as 20,000 people who had already moved out of Georgia somehow voted. Votes on “memory sticks” were “found” and then counted later — thousands of these votes for Trump had been “misplaced”. Votes for Trump were put in the Biden pile. People went in to vote in person but were told they “already voted”. They were given a “provisional ballot” that may not have been (and in many cases was not) counted. This is also evidence of fraud. Their ballot was returned even though they never saw it, or they saw it but never used it but were “counted as having voted”. This is also true on a large scale in PA.

Then there is the Fulton County “water leak”. A leaky toilet in an area nowhere near the voting area gave Officials a pre-text (?) to stop counting. They sent watchers and most people home but from 3–6 people continued to secretly count votes for 3 more hours. Really!?! Yes.

The relief being sought (just in Georgia) is the decertification of the results and the setting aside of mail in ballots among other things. You can see page 100–101 to see the specific relief requested.

What a mess. How do you clean up a mess?

Sweep it up and put it in the garbage.

Michael P Donnelly
Michael P Donnelly

Written by Michael P Donnelly

Michael Donnelly is HSLDA Senior Counsel and Director of Global Outreach. He resides in West Virginia.

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